


Initial experiment

First, we Initially tested with the Lighting Strip to check the light (whether all lights are on or based on even numbers, etc.)



Then, we thought about how to present the goblin fire and tested different materials, including various curtains. We found that the translucent material of the shower curtain transmits light effectively.

When using a regular curtain

When using a regular curtain

When using a shower curtain

When using a shower curtain

Next Meeting, we considered

After the experiment, we considered installation. We decided to install it in the hallway area next to the restroom on the third floor! Also, we planned the installation structure. (spacing, length, number of neo pixels).



We initially planned to use 500 neo pixels (100 neo pixels x 5 rows), but Viola gave us feedback that we would face power issues if we used more than 100, so we changed to using a total of 100 neo pixels. We will cut the strip and connect individual neo pixels through soldering, creating one row with 20 neo pixels and utilizing 5 rows for the curtain. Finally, to get the right power, we calculated to find that we needed a power supply of 5V 10A!

Before selling everything together, we soldered just one line to ensure this would work.